17. februára 2011

Feather is "the new IN"

I don´t know if you already noticed but the next BIG THING is feather. Feather accesories are just everywhere where you look. And I am not talking about the huge feather headbands which were in the last season and the season before. I am talking about :
1. ear cuffs
2. hair extensions
3. earrings

So if you are interested, read and be amazed below ;)

I think it´s an amazing way how to "dress up" your ears without being boring. Ear cuffs in general are here for a while now. I remember like 10-15 years ago how amazed I looked to the girl who was wearing these. It´s coming back and I´m more than glad.
One of our famous slovak bloggers Véčko started to make them recently for a price which is not revealed yet. Check her out and tell her I sent you over there ;) The last picture with the blue ear cuffs is her.

This is a huge thing right now. So if you would like to stay really IN I would recommend to get one of these and stay stylish. You can very easily clip them in and clip them out. You just need these three things/tools to do it. To say the truth, I didn´t like them at the beginning. I thought they are just weird looking highlights and just strange people put them it. But now, as I investigate more and more I am just starting to love them and I am seriously considering to get them for the summer. For Pohoda 2011 for example (btw I can´t wait to see Moby). I think if you match your hair to the right colour of the feather extension, it can come out very cool.
Oh and I want to recommend them to pregnat ladies who can´t dye or put highlights to their hair because it´s bad for their babies. So this is a "healthy" way to stay chic and cool :)
You can learn how to put them in with the famous youtuber Kandee Johnson. And you can get all the tools and all colours of extensions here (but I´m sure there are more sites you can find).

You can see the most incredible feather earrings which I saw in my entire life on the pictures below. They have been made (and already sold) by a wonderful lady called Salvage LA who is also a blogger. You can buy those, if she will make more, on her Etsy page. I think there are no words needed for this category. Just looking to the pictures is melting my heart ;)

I wish you an amazing Friday and I officialy blast off the weeking with this song. Enjoy.

5. februára 2011


So I decided to put up more posts of my life. Why do I want to do that? Because I want to make every year my best year and I want to remember all the beautiful things I have done. I am very grateful to all of my 7 followers named mimi&klaudi, Véronique, Lucia, Alex, Lexandra, Patrik and my dear friend Gabriela. But if you make a decision to unfollow, in case of little amount of fashion posts, I can do nothing but accept your will :-)

So let´s start. At the beginning of January I went to ice-skate with one of my besties in my own small little town. It´s strange that I´m half century old and never been there for winter sports. You have to know that I learned how to ice-skate like 3-4 years ago and as a child I was scared to death to stand on ice other than my own feet. But as you can see from the pictures, it was like we were in a fairytale. Our "huge" lake was fully covered with snow and we even saw an abandoned swan there. Maybe she/he haven´t found the right one yet (as many of us) :-)
The fashion side of the story is that I had returned the cozy yellow shawl and I do regret it now. However I got a lovely black mini skirt instead.

So what happend next? Well, I went to "the big city" to have a job interview. It was that kind of job which I can easily consider as my dream job for a couple of years of doing it. Unfortunately I didn´t get through. I guess Someone has another plans for me. The good part is that I had the chance to try out one of Riverpark Dance School´s classes, which everybody is talking about anyway. I went to the RnB dance class which was for beginners. I enjoyed the opportunity to dance elsewhere than in a place full of smoke and drunk teens (and bad music). But what I admired the most was the teacher/lector named Aron. She is one gorgeous lady with an amazing body and terrific hair, not to mention her talent. I caught myself staring at her bouncing curles for a few times. You probably don´t know a very important fact about my persona yet. I am the biggest "fan" of the black culture you will presumably meet. If I were a buddhist I believed that I was a Afro-American lady in my past life. And with all of this I do not mean just to like the black music or art but also I do feel a compassion and empathy on all the suffer and pain they went through in the human history. I could talk about this for hours but not here, not now ;-)

The next thing I can remember is to be back in "the big city" again. I had 4 more job interviews in three days. It was so exhausting. And yes. I´ve got a job. Finally! :-) After almost a half year of hunting, hunder(s) of sent applications, few face to face and phone interviews and couple of not really nice (meaning terrific) people I have a job!!! Yay for me! I don´t know if I will be able to adapt to new circumstances quickly and If I will bump into honest and kind people but I am so glad to have a place to work.

So that´s it. If you´re still alive, let me know ;-)
Enjoy your sunny Sunday.